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The Anonymous Bookaholics Tag!

A little different to my usual reviews. I was tagged by the super talented @Fueltheblog to answer a few bookish questions so here we go!


1) What do you like about buying new books?

I love that each book has the possibility of shocking me, wowing me, making me cry or laugh. Books have so much emotion and information locked inside and buying a new book is the hope that it lives up to the expectation i have of it! Also some books are simply beautiful! And once you start a series.. well you have to own them all surely?! I mostly love distopian books as I think they are super clever in the way they can take something so ordinary and flip it giving you a whole new perspective and way of thinking.


2) How often do you buy new books?

This varies. I can go months without buying a book. But also in the last month or so I think I have bought approx 30+ books.....! A lot of the time it depends on what is currently out in the shops and my mood when looking at books (I need to be in the mood to read blurbs and not get bored). Also last month was a little unusual as I found a new author I liked and ended up buying her entire collection. It happens lol


3) Bookstore or online book shopping: which do you prefer?

Bookstore wins every single time. Of course this year with the dreaded Covid online has helped massively. And when I received a gift card for my birthday I was thrilled. I downloaded the app and started searching almost immediately. But picking a book to actually buy was hard. I needed to hold it, see the text inside (this can be a huge deal breaker for me if the text just isn't right) and generally get a feel of it. Luckily I managed to get to a store and use the gift card there before lockdown 2.0 got in the way!


4) Do you have a favourite bookshop?

I guess my favourite would be Daunt, and this is specific as there is one by my office in London which I visited a lot. I really miss taking little lunchtime strolls there with my friend when we were in the office together, getting back to our desks and properly having a look at our purchases! Otherwise I love little independent books stores too. They can be so cute and homely! But then you cant take away the incredible site of seeing soooo many books in one place like a large Waterstones. So I guess no would have been the easy answer to this question...! But also yes!


5) Do you pre-order books?

Yes I have done a few times. Mostly for my favourite author Louise O'Neill but also with a few others I couldn't wait for. The only thing is they are always hardback, and I now have quite the collection and they take up so much space! Luckily as I am not commuting it is not too much of a bother to read them, but travelling on a train with a hard back is no easy task.


6) Do you have a monthly buying limit?

Absolutely not! I mean I know this month was bad but on a whole i'm not too bad with my book spending!


7) How big is your wishlist?

I guess it could be bigger, I have seen some book bloggers/bookstagramers with a HUGE list! But for anyone interested I have my wishlist saved here :)


8) Which three books from your wish list do you wish to own right now?

I have seen sooo many people reading The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah so would love to add that to the tbr list in the near future. Also Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce and The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. All sound like such interesting books! Plus as a bonus I have all my Disney books on there so will 100% be getting those to complete my collection! 💓📚💓

I'm tagging....

If you fancy joining in then I look forward to seeing yours posts/blogs! And thanks everyone (anyone) for reading!

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